Friday, July 23, 2010

New features in GOOGLE MAPS

Google Maps Labs is a testing ground for experimental features that aren't quite ready for primetime. They may changebreak or disappear at any time.
If such a feature breaks, and you're having trouble loading Maps, use this escape hatch:

  • Distance Measurement Tool
    Adam S, Andrey S, James M, Seth L
    Measure the distance of a path on the Earth

  • Short URL
    Ben A, Holly D
    Shorten the Maps "Link" to be a more compact URL.

  • Show Me Here!
    Cornelius Q
    Adds an option to the context menu that lets you zoom directly to the maximum zoom level at the point under the cursor.

  • Drag 'n' Zoom
    Dave D
    Zooming in on a specific part of the map is now fast and easy. Simply click the Drag 'n' Zoom button, draw a box on the map and zoom! You're there!